June 7-14, 2025 Sol's Cliff House, Bar Harbor, Maine
This is a writing retreat, which means the principle focus is on giving you ample time to write without distractions. To that end, our schedule has been designed to maximize your writing time. You'll find a place to work that's most comfortable for you: outside on the terrace; in the yard overlooking Frenchman's Bay; at the large dining room table; or in the living room, library, or some other special nook in this impressive retreat house. Please note that this is a retreat, not a workshop—we will not be reading and critiquing each other's work.
Come on up to "Joan's Tower" for your private coaching session. I’m here for you, so we’ll plan our session according to what you most need. Got a character who needs further development? We’ll bring her to life. Feeling concerned about whether your writing is really any good? We’ll turn that concern around so fast you’ll forget you ever worried about it. Need to find time in your schedule to focus on your novel? We won’t just find time, we’ll create it! Whatever will help you finish your novel, we’ll tackle it together.
You’ll have several opportunities to gather together as a group and talk about various aspects of craft and anything else that's on your mind related to your work. We’ll all put on our best thinking caps and respond with constructive observations, suggestions, questions, celebrations, resources and whatever other ideas we believe will help. You'll also have opportunities to read from your own work if you wish—the retreat provides a secure environment in which you can read a brief excerpt from your novel-in-progress and hear readings by your retreat companions. (The readings are not for feedback, just for learning about each other's writing.)
All you have to do is eat when you’re hungry . . . no need to decide what to make for a meal, no cooking, no cleanup. Isn’t it time someone catered to you? Chef Paulette Bilsky-Phillips will make us nourishing and scrumptious food that will leave you feeling both energetic and pampered! Fair warning . . . you might not want to go home.
Creativity takes energy, and energy needs to be rejuvenated; this week is all about what you need to be your best creative self. Walk with new friends out the door to local trails down to the water or hike the nearby trails at Acadia National Park, stroll into Bar Harbor for a visit to the bookstore, take a nap in your room or out on the patio overlooking the water, read a book from the retreat house library . . . whatever works to support you!
Give yourself the gift of time to finish your novel.