Entries for the 2024 competition will open on June 17, 2024 and close promptly at 5:00 PM ET (17:00) on July 17, 2024. Please check this time zone converter to convert the deadline into your own time zone in order to avoid disappointment.
Only entries received and paid for by the entry deadline will be considered. The entry fee for each entry is $20.00 in US dollars. Please note that feedback will not be provided on any entries.
Entries that are not paid for, are incomplete, corrupted or submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
Please submit only the complete first page of chapter one of your novel-in-progress. This should be the first page of the first chapter, not the first page of a prologue or introduction. It's fine if your page ends mid-paragraph or mid-sentence. There is no word count.
There's no need to leave 4-6 lines of space at the top of the page—go ahead and put your opening line right at your 1" top margin (1" margins all around).
Format your submission as follows (this is industry standard for manuscript submissions):
– 8.5” x 11” or A-4 page
– 1-inch (or 2.54 cm) margins top, bottom, left and right
– 12-point Times New Roman font
– Double-spaced (not 1.5 or 1.15 spacing) with no extra space between paragraphs. (If you're working in Word, there's a setting that sometimes automatically puts an extra space between paragraphs, and you can change that in your Word settings to get rid of that extra space. Click here for a 45 second video that shows you how.)
Submittable accepts the following types of documents (when in doubt, save your chapter as a PDF to preserve the formatting): .doc, .docx, .odt, .pdf.
Your name should not appear anywhere on the page or in the name of your document, but you're welcome to include the novel's title if you wish (there's also a place to enter the title in the submission form).
Writers are welcome to submit more than one entry—each entry needs to be submitted and paid for as a separate entry.
Entries must be fiction (not non-fiction), your own original work, and must not contain any text that has been AI–generated or AI–assisted.
Please read through the terms & conditions before you submit your entry—they're brief, and you'll be bound by them if you win.
All entries must be made through Submittable.
Click here to read more about what makes a great first page, what to avoid and what to watch out for when you submit your work. You can also read the winning entries from previous years.